
Crusty Rolls with Panoplus Dark

Fill your bread bowls and craft your signature sandwiches with our crusty roll filled with perfect mouthfeel and bite.


• 7500 g 75% flour  100%
• 2500 g 25% Panoplus Dark
• 600 g 6% fresh yeast (*or instant yeast 1/3 of fresh yeast)
• 150 g 1.5% salt
• 5400 g 54% water
• 50 g 0.5% Gamma 500


  1. Mix the ingredients to a well developd dough.
  2. For a good water absorbtion mix longer at slow speed.
  3. Scaling weight 1650 gram.
  4. Intermediate proof 15 minutes.
  5. Divide and form into buns.
  6. Final proof 70 minutes.
  7. Cut before baking.
  8. Baking temperature 445°F.
  9. Baking time 20 minutes.
  10. Baking with steam ± 10 minutes, open the damper.

Yield 294 pieces