
Triangle Panoplus Dark

Add variety to your bread basket with our rich and beautiful Panoplus Dark Triangle.


• 7500 g 75% flour 100%
• 2500 g 25% Panoplus Dark
• 600 g 6% fresh yeast (*)
• 180 g 1% salt
• 5200 g 52% water
• 500 g 5% sugar
• 300 g 3% margarine
• 200 g 2% milk powder


  1. Mix the ingredients to a not completely developed dough.
  2. Dough temperature 78°F.
  3. Bulk fermentation 15 minutes.
  4. Roll out to a thickness of 6 mm.
  5. Cut triangles of 10 x 13 cm (approx. 60 gram).
  6. Moisten and decorate.
  7. Final proof 50 minutes.
  8. Bake with steam.
  9. Baking temperature 465°F.
  10. Baking time 15 minutes.

Yield 290 pieces