
Hamburger Bun

Elevate your signature burgers with a bun descended from the heavens; light, buttery and delicious.


• 7000g 70% flour
• 3000g 30% Vienna Brioche
• 400g 4% fresh yeast
• 500g 5% butter

• 500g Ovex Liquid

• 256g Sesame Seed


  1. Mix the ingredients to a well developed cold dough.
  2. Dough temperature 75°F.
  3. Scaling weight 1800 gram.
  4. Round up and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  5. Divide and round up.
  6. After a short rest flatten the dough pieces.
  7. Put them in the special Hamburger molds.
  8. Brush with Ovex Liquide.
  9. Final proof approx. 70 minutes.
  10. Decorate with Sesame Seed.
  11. Baking temperature 480°F. Baking time 7 minutes.

Yield 256 pieces